DevOps End-to-End Project: Microservices and WordPress Deployment on Kubernetes

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    DevOps End-to-End Project: Microservices and WordPress Deployment on Kubernetes

    In this project, I demonstrate the practical use of several DevOps tools by developing and deploying two websites made up of microservices, along with a WordPress site, all within a Kubernetes cluster. This end-to-end project showcases the integration of various technologies and practices essential for modern DevOps workflows.

    Project Overview

    The project involves the following components:
    1. Microservices-Based Websites:
      • Microservice 1: Utilizes the source code from Google's demo eCommerce site, providing a realistic example of a scalable online store.
      • Microservice 2: Based on Imran Telli's source code, highlighting another application with its unique functionality.
    2. WordPress Site:
      • WordPress: Deployed using an image from the Docker registry, paired with a MySQL database to manage content efficiently.

    DevOps Tools and Technologies

    The deployment process leverages a variety of DevOps tools to ensure a smooth and automated pipeline:
    • CI/CD with Jenkins: Jenkins is the backbone of our continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline. We use several plugins to enhance its capabilities:
      • SonarQube: For code quality analysis.
      • Trivy: For container security scanning.
      • OASP: For additional security and compliance checks.
      • and more
    • Docker and AWS ECR:
      • Each microservice and the WordPress site are containerized using Docker.
      • The Docker images are built and then stored automatically in Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Registry (AWS ECR) for efficient version control and deployment.
    • Kubernetes and ArgoCD:
      • Kubernetes manages the container orchestration, ensuring the applications run reliably and can scale as needed.
      • ArgoCD monitors changes in the GitHub repository where the YAML manifests for Kubernetes are stored. Any updates in the manifests trigger ArgoCD to deploy the changes automatically to the Kubernetes cluster.

    Detailed Workflow

    1. Code Development and Source Control:
      • The source code for both microservices and the WordPress configurations are maintained in a GitHub repository.
    2. Continuous Integration:
      • Upon a code commit, Jenkins triggers a build process.
      • The code undergoes static analysis with SonarQube and security scans with Trivy and OASP.
    3. Containerization:
      • Successful builds result in Docker images, which are then pushed to AWS ECR.
    4. Continuous Deployment:
      • Jenkins updates the YAML manifests in the GitHub repository.
      • ArgoCD detects these updates and deploys the new configurations to the Kubernetes cluster.


    This project exemplifies a complete DevOps cycle from development to deployment, utilizing industry-standard tools and practices. By integrating CI/CD pipelines, containerization, and orchestration, we achieve a robust and scalable deployment for microservices and WordPress applications. For a visual and more detailed walkthrough, check out my YouTube content here.